Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Embassy Investigation

We have finally seen some progress with our US Embassy investigation, which we have been waiting on since July. The person who dropped Roland off at the orphanage has been located and he is willing to fly to Kinshasa for an interview. Yay!! I was having doubts that they would ever find this person. We are hoping this interview will satisfy the Embassy and they will then consider our investigation complete. This investigation has been looming over us for so long; it will be a huge relief to have it over with. Then we can apply for Roland's visa and wait in line for exit permits to be issued again. We're hoping the exit permit suspension will be lifted by the time we are ready to travel so we won't have any other significant delays.

We are happy things are moving forward again, but that is when I find it is harder to be patient. When things are stagnant, I can send my emotions to a kind of hibernation. Right or wrong, I have emotionally disengaged myself from Roland the past couple of months. Mellow sadness is easier to live through than the heart- wrenching reality of being separated from my son. Now my excitement and hope has been renewed and I'm praying things keep progressing so we can finally get this kid home.

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