Sunday, April 21, 2013

I discovered what is NOT my true calling...

In case I needed solid evidence, I discovered yesterday that my true calling in life is definitely not to become a firefighter, or any other emergency personnel for that matter.  While I was pre-heating the oven to bake muffins (a typical and once- thought safe activity), the oven started to make the most awful noise, like metal objects were flying around inside of it. Then a whole bunch of sparks flew out of the oven, followed by some smoke. My first reaction, of course, was some wordless screams. After that I had collected myself enough to scream specific things: "FIRE!", "MATT!", "SPARKS!", "MATT!". By the time Matt got to the kitchen, the sparks had died down and he was able to bravely turn off the oven. It turns out the "heater thing" in our very old oven broke and was sending electricity everywhere. I"m just happy it didn't happen while I was out walking the dogs and nobody was home. So, there is no more baking right now for me and definitely no applying to firefighter jobs!

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